Dreams and Songs
As part of my devotional practice, I honor and commune with three groups of Kindred Spirits - the Mighty and Beloved Dead, Nature Spirits, and the Shining Immortal Ones. What do they think of my work in Yog-Sothothery? I've been guided to it by the deity I am devoted to, and the reasons for that have been touched on. I can't say it's all clear to me, but it's also not a case of, "Do it because I told you to!" It was presented to me as, "This weaves into interests you already have and, if approached properly, here's a plan for it strengthening the work you're already doing." But this isn't really about focusing on and mapping out that plan. Maybe I'll get into that another time. This is about how one of the ways they communicate with me overlaps with work in Yog-Sothothery. I've talked briefly here before about how dreamwork is not one of my specialties. Not due to a lack of interest, but due to very weak ability. Or very strong l...