Personal Project

I've been working on a project that, at first glance, wouldn't seem to be related to my work in Yog-Sothothery. A deeper dive into how the project is developing shows several connections.

I'm not ready to reveal details about the actual project yet, but I will say it combines multiple forms of art, language, and storytelling. It also gets into how broad "storytelling" can be. Stories, history, information. And these things are not just influences on the development of the project, but also messages that the project seeks to put out into the world.

I think of how fictional stories are born from factual events, how fictional characters are inspired by the lives of people in the physical world. I think of the stories of Cthulhu channeling all kinds of weird information through artists. The way the fictional Necronomicon has had bits of information about it added to many stories by many authors. Folklore. Fairy tales. Written stories read to and by children that were once a way to make sure certain things would not be forgotten as they were passed along through oral history. Chaos magick.

It will be interesting for me to find out how this project weaves together with Yog-Sothothery and my personal devotional practice.
