Divination Dice, Again
Things have been peacefully busy for me lately. It's been productive in many ways, not just Getting Tasks Done, but it also means a few things have been pushed to a back burner temporarily. One of those "back burner" things has been divination work.
I can pull out a favorite deck of cards and look at Things That Need to Be Looked At pretty much anytime, but that's not what I think of when I think of the work. I've been studying and practicing divination for over 20 years. "Work" requires a lot more from me than just tossing things out there and interpreting them based on what I already know. There's a lot of deeper study, broader study, trials, reflections...a lot goes into "work". And that's why it's been temporarily removed from Top Priorities. There are times when I make sure I take at least a few minutes a day for something that I want to keep on my radar, and then there are times when things need to be put on hold until I can devote the necessary time and attention.
Divination work may be moving up a little on that priorities list soon. I was doing something completely unrelated today - just some practical, common household maintenance work - when I felt that little pull and whisper of, "Remember when you were talking about why you bought those specific dice for divination? What if you did this with them?" And I understood I need to create a Yog-Sothothery system for them. My systems have largely (and, I admit, loosely) inspired by the culture of my patron deity. There's also the one with the theme inspired by a SciFi book series, but which dice get assigned to which parts is still based on how my other systems work. It's really just the theme that changed.
That all makes my mind start going through some questions about a Yog-Sothothery system. Is it going to be a whole system on its own, or more of a theme that still uses my basic system? Will I be assigning new meanings to numbers? How will this work?
I don't know yet. I just know I'll be spending some time with the dice soon.
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