Praise the Lake Monster!

From the beginning of the book The Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep , by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe: "Your modern man would rather disbelieve something than be lieve it. He likes to think he is cynical and hard-boiled, whereas he is the most credulous creature ever made. When he can't under stand a thing, like astronomy, or relativity, or finance, he believes anything you care to tell him, if you tell him with sufficient scien tific and financial trimmings. But the trouble is he can understand a sea serpent. He can visualize it. Therefore, he disbelieves it. His disbelief flatters his vanity, makes him think he is a superior fellow. Well, it doesn't make him a superior fellow. Any fool can disbe lieve in sea serpents..." -Archie Wills, Editor of The Victoria Daily Times , October 11, 1933