Past/Present/Future with TOA Cards
I'm still experimenting with the TOA cards. I'm not sure that experimentation ever will (or should) end. These don't feel like the kind of cards one gets so familiar with everything designed into them that one becomes some kind of master of using them. That's not to say mastery cannot be reached, but that it would come from a very different approach than with other decks. I decided to go ahead and try a Past/Present/Future reading and see what I get. The way I've been reading three cards each day is really working. I intend to take some time one day to think about the shape it makes when I follow the written messages that way. But the first time I tried the P/P/F reading, following it that way didn't look like it would work. Following it that way would give me: Past - With a pandemoniac cachinnation Present - Beyond the world of man Future - Fire from Earth can't burn it Growing in hidden evil caves Present - Prehuman vaults of nightmares Past...