Dice and Cards
I have a specific set of dice I work with for divination. Astragalomancy is still a new skill for me. I'm experimenting with working with the dice in different ways. The past couple of days, I've been combining that with drawing cards. I do the 3 card thing. Then I roll dice to tell me which single card to pull out and reflect on.
The dice I use for this are a pair of d10s. Ten-sided, and one is what is known as being for percentages in roleplaying games. The numbers start with 00 and go to 90, always as one of the tens. The other is single digits...1,2,3, etc. So I roll them together, add the numbers, then find the card.
Yesterday, I got 20 and 5.
Card 25:
A dream-infested daemon-city
Transdimensional shadows
Today, I got 60 and 7.
Card 67:
Phantasms of drugs or delirium
Strange dark rites
I was sitting on the edge of the bed when I rolled the dice and didn't have them on a more stable surface. I reached over the grab something and they shifted a bit. When I turned back around, the dice were showing me 80 and 5. I probably would have ignored this if I had already picked the cards up and pulled out card 67, but I hadn't yet. So I decided to pull out both cards.
Card 85:
The void of the black planets
Cracked from centrifugal force
It's an interesting way to choose a card to meditate on. Also, because I only recently acquired the deck, I'm still in that "new deck, crappy shuffling" phase. It takes a while for me to feel like a deck has been mixed well. Rolling dice to tell me which card to go pull out helps with that.
If I read the two cards together, here's what I get:
Phantasms of drugs or delirium
The void of the black planets
Strange dark rites
Cracked from centrifugal force
The writing on the cards is in all capital letters, no punctuation at the end. This makes it possible for the words to flow in any order, and it leaves interpretation up to the one reading them. On its own, card 67 points out both the "phantasms of drugs or delirium" and the "strange dark rites". It sounds to me as if these rites aren't to be taken too seriously, or maybe considered dangerous falsehoods because of being born of the drugs and delirium. Card 85, on its own, implies to me that it is the void of the black planets that has become cracked over time.
But see how this changes when the cards are read together, across the tops and then across the bottoms. It actually becomes a little more difficult to see what's being said. It requires that I think about it more.
Phantasms of drugs or delirium --
The void of the black planets,
Strange dark rites --
Cracked from centrifugal force.
Phantasms of drugs or delirium,
The void of the black planets.
Strange dark rites,
Cracked from centrifugal force.
Phantasms of drugs or delirium.
The void of the black planets,
Strange dark rites.
Cracked from centrifugal force.
Phantasms of drugs or delirium.
The void of the black planets.
Strange dark rites
Cracked from centrifugal force.
Those are just a few examples of many ways minor changes in the way the words are read can bring huge shifts in what is implied. Which things are the phantasms? Which things are cracking? Are the phantasms to be dismissed because of how they came to be, or are we to see those dire circumstances as opening doors to valid things that usually cannot be seen so easily?
Working with these cards is very different from other cards I have worked with/do work with. Not necessarily "better" overall, but very different. That will likely mean better for certain types of work.
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