Banishing Ritual of the Old Ones
Yes, this will look really familiar if you have even basic knowledge of ceremonial occultism. My familiarity with the LBRP is less about the LBRP itself and more about rituals inspred by it. I didn't just change words, though. There are things that may set off some Important Things Are Missing alarms. Those things are important in the systems they belong to. I'm not saying there's no room for improvement here, but this ritual is about getting some similar results. Not all the results, and not for entirely the same reasons, so not done the same way. It's still about clearing and protecting the space.
If you really want to work with it, go ahead. Use it for personal experimentation and practice. Don't publish it anywhere else, and credit N'wrae.
Chant the Greek vowels seven times.
Α - Ε - Η - Ι - Υ - Ο - Ω
The Cardinal Directions
Start in the East, working clockwise. Draw a sigil in the air, or give a slight bow, maybe just take in a deep breath before you speak each time. That's a personal choice. Definitely do something to connect the points and make the circle as you go.
East : "Yog-Sothoth knows the gate."
South : "Yog-Sothoth is the gate."
West : "Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate."
North : "Past, Present, and Future..."
East again: "...all are one in Yog-Sothoth."
Call to the Great Old Ones
"I call to Nyarlathotep, for the knowledge carried by the desert winds!
I call to Cthulhu, for the Mysteries of the deep waters!
I call to Yig, Father of Snakes, for his fiery passion that gives life!
I call to the Black Goat of the Woods With A Thousand Young, for her fertile wildness!
For the Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones always shall be!"
Chant the Greek vowels seven times again.
Α - Ε - Η - Ι - Υ - Ο - Ω
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