
Showing posts from January, 2023

Moving Around

I have decided to move things from here to Substack, where the posts can now be found at  The Silver Key  . Substack's system made importing all of my previous posts very easy for me. Things could be edited. Not all of the spaces and line breaks are there. I'm not likely to go in and edit all those little details, though, because it's still easily readable and I'm glad I didn't have to copy and paste text, upload pictures again, and change the dates on things. I've been inclined to keep things here, even after doing other writing on Substack, because I've had no big desire to promote my writing about my experiences in Yog-Sothothery. I like having things tucked away in this little corner where maybe someone will stumble across it, and maybe they won't. After using Substack for other work for a while, though, I'm feeling comfortable there and like keeping things easily accessible for myself mentally. It's just time to move.


My experiences in the dreamworld are growing. I'm not at a point yet where I can fully control things, but I am more frequently able to make choices that shape how the dream flows. I remember my dreams much, much more often now. When I don't remember the details, I do usually remember that I did dream and what the overall feeling of the dream was. I'm also noticing a pattern in where dreams take place. Places in my dreams repeat. Some are clearly based on places I have known in the waking world, and some I only know in the dreamworld. Dreams will happen in the same place for a few nights, then I'll have a night or two of very fuzzy dreams that I don't remember well, then I'll be in a different place. A few nights ago, I was dreaming of being in some kind of fishing village. It was a very clear, detailed dream. There were piers and walkways, but streets were pretty much replaced with creeks, narrow rivers, and canals. The town sat at the edge of a big port. Statu...