Creative Writing

Why do we generally only refer to fiction as "creative writing"? All writing is a creative process. Even text messages. Not every written message has an obvious creative process to it, but it's there. Communication is creative.

I've been doing a lot of work in my own writing recently. I wouldn't say I'm finding specific inspiration in my dreams, but I have noticed my creative process becomes more focused, and more fruitful, as my dreams become more vivid and remembered more in the waking world.

I pray for the Lake Monster to make things flow, and I get a flood of creativity!

I have devotional training work to do for my religious practice. I have work to do within Yog-Sothothery. None of this is being forgotten or procrastinated. Because I am putting a lot of time and energy into my writing, though, I may have less of it to spend on documenting and reflecting on things in blog posts.

Or, maybe I'll find even more of it. I'm just guessing at this point.
